Safety tips for trick-or-treating in Taylor Farm

Halloween is a fun time for kids to dress-up, stay-up late and eat candy. With all of this excitement and distractions, it’s easy for a pleasantly spooky night to turn into a scary one. These quick safety tips will help ensure a safe evening of trick-or-treating in Taylor Farm.
Kid’s costumes should fit properly so that they have a full range of motion. To avoid tripping, it’s important that the hem of their costume is well above the ground.
For optimum safety it’s best to choose bright coloured costumes or use reflective accessories with dark apparel.
Since October is already pretty cold in Manitoba, it’s important that kids stay warm. Layering up works wonders; use multiple thin shirts and tights underneath a costume to help ward off wind. Pair these with flat comfortable boots to keep toes toasty and to help avoid slipping on wet leaves (or snow).
Homeowners who are handing out candy should remove any obstacles near their walkways and steps. This will help prevent children from tripping on objects such as garden decorations, hoses or bikes.
Keep areas bright
Homeowners should keep the lights in their front porch on and replace any burnt-out bulbs. Not only does a bright house signal to children that you’re handing out candy but it also helps them see where they’re going to stay safe.
It’s best to keep pets away from the door as it is safer for both your furry friends and the trick-or-treaters. Barking can create a stressful situation for young children and pets may inadvertently jump on visitors.
Who to go with
Young children should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating. Older children are encouraged to go in groups but if they are going alone, it’s a good idea to plan and review a route that is acceptable with their parents. It’s also handy to have a cell phone for quick communication.
Since the sun sets quite early in October, chances are it’s going to be dark when children start trick-or-treating. Carrying flash lights, glow sticks or clipping on a bike light will help kids see their paths clearly.
Keep your eyes open
When trick-or-treating remember to stay vigilant and always be aware of your surroundings. Use the paths as much as possible and remember that the roads are shared spaces. If you’re in a vehicle during Halloween, drive slow and be on the lookout for any wandering children.
Let's keep the spirit of safety alive in Taylor Farm this Halloween. By following these valuable tips, we can ensure that this beloved holiday is filled with nothing but fun, laughter and wonderful memories for all.
Kid’s costumes should fit properly so that they have a full range of motion. To avoid tripping, it’s important that the hem of their costume is well above the ground.
For optimum safety it’s best to choose bright coloured costumes or use reflective accessories with dark apparel.
Since October is already pretty cold in Manitoba, it’s important that kids stay warm. Layering up works wonders; use multiple thin shirts and tights underneath a costume to help ward off wind. Pair these with flat comfortable boots to keep toes toasty and to help avoid slipping on wet leaves (or snow).
Homeowners who are handing out candy should remove any obstacles near their walkways and steps. This will help prevent children from tripping on objects such as garden decorations, hoses or bikes.
Keep areas bright
Homeowners should keep the lights in their front porch on and replace any burnt-out bulbs. Not only does a bright house signal to children that you’re handing out candy but it also helps them see where they’re going to stay safe.
It’s best to keep pets away from the door as it is safer for both your furry friends and the trick-or-treaters. Barking can create a stressful situation for young children and pets may inadvertently jump on visitors.
Who to go with
Young children should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating. Older children are encouraged to go in groups but if they are going alone, it’s a good idea to plan and review a route that is acceptable with their parents. It’s also handy to have a cell phone for quick communication.
Since the sun sets quite early in October, chances are it’s going to be dark when children start trick-or-treating. Carrying flash lights, glow sticks or clipping on a bike light will help kids see their paths clearly.
Keep your eyes open
When trick-or-treating remember to stay vigilant and always be aware of your surroundings. Use the paths as much as possible and remember that the roads are shared spaces. If you’re in a vehicle during Halloween, drive slow and be on the lookout for any wandering children.
Let's keep the spirit of safety alive in Taylor Farm this Halloween. By following these valuable tips, we can ensure that this beloved holiday is filled with nothing but fun, laughter and wonderful memories for all.